21 Grab-N-Go Healthy Snacks For Night Shift

Let’s be real, it can be hard to find the motivation to eat well on night shift. Preparing healthy snacks for night shift is a MUST if you want to keep on track. But you don’t want it to be too hard. You want snacks that you can grab-n-go! You need to create a system that works for you and helps to sustain your energy levels throughout the night. Some of the snacks listed below do require some prep but it is very minimal – trust me!

What Type Of Food Should You Eat On Night Shift?

You should eat foods that are easily digested. It’s quite common for shift workers, especially those who work night shift to have digestion issues. This can cause awful tummy pains and affect your sleep and nutrient absorption.

Food that your tummy will love include:

  • Soups/Stews
  • Snacks with high-water content, such as fruit or vegetables.
  • Healthy fats
  • High Protein

Soups and stews provide you with amazing nutrients if prepared with quality ingredients. They also help you to warm up on those colder nights. Plus, it smells amazing and you’ll have everyone jealous of your yummy meal!

Snacks with high-water content can include watermelon, rockmelon (cantaloupe), apples and cucumbers. Bonus – they are SO easy to prepare and pack for your shift. Fruit salad is my ULTIMATE healthy snack for night shift.

Healthy fats and protein are great to include, as they help to keep you full for longer. Sometimes you can get super hungry on night shift so it’s important to make sure you are eating proper meals, before and during your shift.

When Should You Eat On Night Shift?

Timing of your meals and snacks on night shift can also be tricky. To be honest, it is different for everyone. You’ve really just got to find whatever works for you! Of course it depends on what work you are doing and when it is convenient for you to eat as well. If you are on a 12 hour shift, I developed the ultimate diet plan that you may find helpful in planning out your meal times. I’ve popped the example of meal and snack times below.

Developing a meal plan will also be a huge help in making sure that you are prepared with your healthy snacks for night shift! Because we all know that preparation is key.

Amazing Savoury Healthy Snacks For Night Shift

Veggie Sticks with Hummus

I love this option for night shift. Easy to prep – cut up carrots, capsicum, cucumbers and celery into rectangle sticks. You can make your own hummus or grab a tub from the store and you’re sorted! Tip: Use beetroot hummus for a very visually satisfying snack! All the colours <3

Boiled Eggs

Another super easy healthy snack for night shift! Boil a few eggs before your nights, peel them and chuck them in a container. I prefer to sprinkle some salt and pepper on mine but that’s all you need!

Vegetable Rice Paper Rolls

These babies take a little bit more time to prep but they are so worth it! These are a delicious snack that you can really look forward to on your shift. You can include whatever vegetables you like, and even include cooked sliced chicken, tuna or prawns if you wish. Kayla Itsines has an amazing recipe for a healthy dressing and gives some ideas for fillings for these rolls.

Egg Omelette Muffins

Again, these egg omelette muffins do require a bit of preparation and baking time but boy they are worth it! And they’re super easy to make – you don’t have to be a master chef in the kitchen. Try this recipe from Kirbie’s Cravings. Add some bacon if you like but you will find they’re quite filling already and so delicious.

Easy Omelette Muffins by Kirbie’s Cravings

Roasted Chickpeas

A snack that you can pick up from the supermarket on the way to work? What’s not to love? Don’t knock these bad boys until you try them… The brand that I love is the Happy Snack Company’s lightly salted chickpeas from Woolworths. If you’re outside Australia, have a look for these in your health food shop or in the health aisle in the supermarket.

Baked Pea Crisps

These are a great healthy alternative to potato crisps, without the nasty additives and preservatives. However, they are quite high in carbohydrates so don’t go crazy on these thinking they are the healthiest thing ever. They’re simply just a better option compared to potato crisps, due to the high amount of protein and fibre in them.

Kale Zucchini Fritter Bites

Fritter bites were my go-to for a while on night shift! Make sure you take some low sugar BBQ sauce to dip these into. You’ll need to cook them before taking them to work but once you’ve done that – you can simply reheat them in the microwave at work. These Kale & Zucchini bites are a great way to get your veggies in on night shift.

Crackers with Cheese & Tomato or Avocado

Duh, such an easy option! For some reason we always forget the old faithful’s when looking for snacks. Crackers with avocado and salt and pepper has been my go-to recently and I’m loving it! If you go for this option too – there is literally no prep required. Just pop an avo and crackers into your bag and you’re sorted! Just don’t forget a reusable bag or beeswax wrap for after if you don’t finish the avocado.

Handful of mixed nuts

The high fat content in nuts makes them a great filling healthy snack for night shift. Nuts are such a simple snack that is often overlooked. However, they are much needed in our diet as they support our immune system and can even help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Photo by Jess Loiterton: Pexels


If you do take popcorn to work – do be prepared to share! There are many great air-popped options of popcorn out there. I personally love the cobbs organic lightly salted popcorn however you do need self control to make sure you don’t devour the whole packet. This healthy snack for night shift is one to be wary of!

Roasted Fava Beans

Relatively new on the market, roasted fava beans are a new favourite of mine. I buy the pre-packaged roasted fava beans however you can roast your own if you prefer. Loaded with micronutrients and fibre, your digestive system will love these instead of vending machine crisps.

Loaded Rice Cakes – The Ultimate Healthy Snack For Night Shift

If you’re not on the rice cake game already – these are about to change your life! They are high in fibre and are a great low-calorie snack at only 80 calories per serve of 2 crackers. You can add whatever toppings you like, as long they are healthy! Try the following options for some ideas:

  • Rice Cakes with High Protein Cottage Cheese & Tomato
  • Rice Cakes with Peanut Butter/Nut Butter + Sliced Banana/Honey
  • Rice Cakes with Tuna and Tomato

Sweet Healthy Snacks For Night Shift

Fruit Salad

With heaps of water content to keep you hydrated, fruit salad is a must! It’ll stop you from reaching for those artificial sugars which will help to prevent a sugar high and crash. Fruit salad is my ULTIMATE healthy snack for night shift.

Protein Balls

Make your own delicious protein balls to snack on during your shift. Super easy and can be prepared well ahead of time. This chocolate protein energy bites recipe only takes 10 minutes to prepare!

Chocolate Rice Cake

The chocolate rice cake trend is going viral on TikTok and for good reason! Get creative and add your own toppings to cure your sweet tooth cravings. My favourite is peanut butter, sliced banana and dark chocolate as shown below by @kizactive.

Yoghurt & Granola

Some of the best things in life are the simple things right? Try to grab a yoghurt that is low in sugar and has about 10-15g of protein per serving. Use granola sparingly as it can often be high on sugar but it definitely adds a yummy crunch so don’t go without!

Banana-rama Muffins

Everyone loves banana muffins! And it is the perfect snack for night shift because it goes oh so well with a cup of tea! Take a couple to work and warm them in the microwave for the best taste. There’s heaps of healthy recipes out there, but one that I’ve found is the easiest is this one by Cookie and Kate.

Picture of banana muffins
Banana Muffins by Cookie and Kate

Apple Cinnamon Porridge

Oh my gosh, is there anything more wholesome and belly-warming than porridge? This is a great snack-that-is-nearly-a-meal for those who are needing more sustenance. And its easy to prepare at work if you have access to a microwave. Cook the oats in the microwave and then add whatever toppings you like. My favourite is sliced apples, cinnamon and honey. Delish!

Chocolate Protein Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are a favourite of mine. Combine milk, oats and chocolate protein powder for a delicious combo. I add maca powder, flax seed and chia seeds to mine to get heaps of nutrients and goodness in. Get creative and add whatever healthy toppings you want – my go-to is sliced banana, cacao nibs and a drizzle of honey.

Chocolate Mousse

We’re getting chocolate-y over hurr! I love mousse as a healthy snack for night shift simply due to its convenience to grab from the supermarket. I mean, go ahead and make your own if you want to but you definitely don’t have to. In Australia we have some great options such as this low fat high protein mousse from Coles.

Chocolate Pudding by Wicked Sister

Apple & Nut Butter

Green apples are best for this super easy healthy snack. Grab your favourite nut butter – whether it’s peanut butter, or almond butter and you’re set! Dab a bit of nut butter onto your slice of apple and voila. It’s not hard to be prepared with healthy snacks for night shift with hacks like this!

Taking your own snacks that you love and will look forward to eating definitely helps to avoid raiding the vending machine throughout your shift. Especially when a lot of these snacks are super easy to grab and prepare – saving you time and money! With so many options of great healthy snacks for night shift – what will you choose? Try out some of these snacks and let me know how you go!

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